Dana 24.06.2024. godine otvorena je IZLOŽBA IZVORNIH I ALTERNATIVNIH FOTOGRAFSKIH TEHNIKA – galerija U prolazu, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Grafički fakultet.

Izloženi radovi napravljeni su u sklopu kolegija Fotografski procesi pod mentorstvom izv. prof. dr. sc. Rahele Kulčar i asistentice Teodore Lukavski, mag. ing. oecoing.

Studenti su imali priliku u sklopu kolegija istraživati mogućnosti crno-bijele analogne fotografije i alternativnih fotografskih tehnika, poput fotograma, lumen otisaka, cijanotipije, cijanolumena, antotipija, klorofilnog procesa, kemigrama, slanih printeva itd.  Također, neki su radili i na izradi vlastite Camere obscure. Ove tehnike, koje isključuju modernu digitalnu tehnologiju, pružile su studentima priliku da u tamnoj komori, s klasičnim fotografskim papirom i fotoosjetljivim emulzijama, eksperimentiraju i istražuju bezgranične mogućnosti koje se skrivaju u svijetu analogne fotografije i alternativnih fotografskih tehnika. Rad na vlastitim fotografijama pružio je studentima priliku da otkriju ljepotu i kompleksnost klasičnih fotografskih procesa te razviju svoje vještine istraživanja. Ova izložba svjedoči o njihovom trudu, istraživačkom duhu i želji za stvaranjem unutar tradicionalnih okvira, otvarajući nova poglavlja u njihovom umjetničkom putovanju.

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On June 24, 2024, the EXHIBITION OF ORIGINAL AND ALTERNATIVE PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES was opened at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Graphic Arts

The exhibited works were created as part of the course Photographic Processes under the mentorship of Assoc. Prof. Rahele Kulčar, Ph.D., and assistant Teodore Lukavski, mag. ing. oecoing.

As part of the course, students had the opportunity to explore the possibilities of black-and-white analogue photography and alternative photographic techniques such as photograms, lumen prints, cyanotypes, cyanolumen, anthotypes, chlorophyll process, chemigrams, salt prints and more. Additionally, some students worked on creating their own Camera Obscura. These techniques, which exclude modern digital technology, allowed students to experiment and explore the limitless possibilities hidden in the world of analogue photography and alternative photographic techniques in the darkroom, using classic photographic paper and photosensitive emulsions. Working on their photographs gave students the chance to discover the beauty and complexity of classic photographic processes and develop their research skills. This exhibition testifies to their effort, research spirit, and desire to create within traditional frameworks, opening new chapters in their artistic journey.