[D&I Training] Diversity Sensitivity in the Workplace and Unconscious Bias

Online edukacija „Diversity sensitivity in the workplace“ / „Unconscious bias“, održati će se u okviru UNIC projekta u ponedjeljak 21. listopada 2024. u 9:30 sati.

Edukacija je namijenjena nastavnicima, stručnim i administrativnim djelatnicima te studentima koji rade ili su zainteresirani za temu različitosti i inkluzije (Diversity&Inclusion).

Obrazac za prijavu na edukaciju te više informacija o edukaciji i projektu možete pronaći na sljedećoj mrežnoj stranici:

[D&I Training] Diversity Sensitivity in the Workplace and Unconscious Bias (unic.eu)

I’m pleased to announce that the first D&I Training Session is taking place on 21st October, 9:30 a.m. CET.

This online training will center on “Diversity sensitivity in the workplace” and “Unconscious bias”, and is intended for educators, students, policy and professional staff working in existing D&I or student services to increase their knowledge and skills for working in superdiverse environments.

The event will feature 1 lecture + 3 workshops, with speakers including Katherina Zilles (RUB), Agata Rudnicka (UniLodz), Katarina Putnik (EUR), Jacqueline Onyenze (EUR).

Here are some important information to know regarding the training:

  1. A minimum of 3 active participants from each partner is needed. Each of the ten partner universities has to ensure at least three participants that are willing to actively participate in the session.
  2. The training is open to all. Anyone with the interest in the topics of diversity and inclusion is welcome to join the training.
  3. One testimonial from each university will be needed. We’re going to need one participant from each university that is willing to give feedback on the training and its outcomes. Testimonials will be published on UNIC Superdiversity Community website.

Find more info and the link to registration on our webpage [D&I Training] Diversity Sensitivity in the Workplace and Unconscious Bias (unic.eu) (credits to Krish and Jonna) and the flyer attached.

The webpage will be updated with more info on lecturers and topics soon.

Stay tuned and share this with your colleagues!