INNOVERSE Expo 2024. – doc. dr. sc. Vladimir Cviljušac osvojio zlatnu medalju

Na međunarodnoj izložbi inovacija INNOVERSE Expo 2024 koja se održala od 23. do 24. kolovoza 2024. godine u Georgia USA, Grafički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu osvojio je zlatnu medalju za inovaciju pod nazivom “Application of printed computer-generated holograms as security elements” autora doc. dr. sc. Vladimira Cviljušca.

Kratki opis inovacije “Application of printed computer-generated holograms as security elements”: The innovation is in the algorithm for computer-generating holograms and making preparations for printing in correlation with the parameters of production printing techniques. This enables the quick and low cost production of unique CGH that have broad applications in security. The final product, the security element is not only based on a hologram diffraction grating. Instead, the innovation offers a synergy of three security elements; computer manipulation of objects and composition of holo-blocks in order to achieve a large number of combinations; progressive binarization, which is used to imprint the image on the surface of the hologram and connect the input parameters of the algorithm with the parameters of the printing technique used. All this strengthens security while preserving the ability to print at low cost on standard commercial machines. 

Objavljeno 6. rujna 2024.