međunarodni znanstveni skup Colour in Written Heritage: Multidisciplinary Research

Poštovane kolegice i kolege,

Čast i zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati vas na međunarodni znanstveni skup Colour in Written Heritage: Multidisciplinary Research, koji će se održati od 25. do 27. rujna 2024. godine na tri lokacije u Zagrebu: Hrvatski državni arhiv, Nadbiskupijski pastoralni institut i Grafički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Program skupa nalazi se u prilogu, a u nižem tekstu je i poveznica za registraciju sudionika, koja je obavezna.

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Veselimo se vašem sudjelovanju!

Dear colleagues and friends of written heritage,

We invite you to an international scientific conference of invited lectures under the title Colour in Written Heritage: Multidisciplinary Research, which will be held from September 25 to 27, 2024. at three locations in Zagreb: the Croatian State Archives, Archdiocesan Pastoral Institute, and the University of Zagreb Faculty of Graphic Arts.

The conference includes lectures on multidisciplinary research of written heritage. The intention is to show different and new approaches to studying written heritage and point to their unification.

You can find the conference program in the attachment.

The conference registration form is available at link:

Facebook link For any additional information, feel free to contact Andreja Dragojević at the email address: