Placement In Portugal

Placement in Portugal (PIP) is an organization operating in Lisbon, since 2012, being our mission to help graduates and young professionals looking for international jobs find an internship in Portugal that matches their skills, education, and preferences.
It’s free of charge for both university and students, and you won’t deal with the bureaucratic process, as we give 100% support.

We have internship opportunities for 20 people in the HR, 40 people in Business and 40 in Tourism fields, but don’t forget that we also have vacancies in other fields.

Our wide network of contacts has enabled us to develop an extensive database of available internships in both Portuguese and international companies specialized in the most diverse academic areas. We also support accommodation and other needs students may have. 

For those interested, all the information to proceed with the application will be available on our website.

Best regards,
Placement in Portugal

Placement in Portugal
+351 933 270 222  
Skype: placement-in-portugal
Rua da Atalaia, 204